Gene Abel’s Sci-Fi Romance Novel The Inn of Destiny

Producers Consider Gene Abel’s Sci-Fi Romance Novel for Hollywood Adventure

Author Gene P. Abel has a unique perspective that allows the retired U.S. Army Colonel to write ten published books, including his best-selling time travel/erotica novel The Inn of Destiny. At a time when many of us may consider slowing down during retirement, Abel is enjoying his second career as producers consider turning his gripping novel into a film.

Abel is never satisfied with the status quo and has always been at the forefront of change, during his military career, work with his church, 30 years as a business leader, and now a best-selling author.

The story of The Inn of Destiny appeared in his head after he retired in 1999. “The storyline was so intense that on a few occasions, I woke up in the middle of the night and got out of bed and wrote what became the outline for the book,” Abel recalls. “After the outline was completed in about two weeks, I sat down at the computer and wrote the book.”

He would love for one or more of his books to hit the New York Times Best Seller List and has been flattered by the positive comments from readers he meets at book events and through social media.

“The interest from a New York firm in creating a movie from my book is also extremely encouraging,” he said. Initial discussions are underway that could make this a reality.

The Inn of Destiny, Abel explains, is a book that many people can relate to. “It’s certainly a topic involved in most marriages. I have been very encouraged by reader comments about the character of Jackie and the very real storyline. I think a lot of people can relate to it – can get lost in Jackie’s attempt to meet her needs.”


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